Warning: this site has some flashing elements (buttons, blinkies, and oldweb graphics)

Hello there! This little website is going to be a little ongoing project of mine, and is under construction as of 9/20/2023
I'm not quite sure what I'll do with this place yet! I might use it to archive some of my art and writings, or just to talk about my interests. I hope to get this place looking a lot nicer and to add some more cool features along the way. I'm a terrible coder, but I'll sure be trying my best.
Go ahead and check out my about page to get to know a little more about me!

If you have any questions at all, or wanna get to know me further/be mutuals or something, feel free to message me over my main blog on Tumblr, or give me a follow or something. Would love to make some goth mutuals and friends.
I'm still getting this whole neocities thing figured out, but I hope to get a guestbook set up at some point! It'd be nice to see what kinds of things I can slap on here. Anyway, here's a fuckton of buttons and stuff.